Wenlock here we come


William Penny Brookes, founder of the Wenlock Olympian Society

This year’s Wenlock Olympian Games will take place through July, starting on Saturday 6th with the equestrian event and ending on Sunday 21st with the 50 mile walk. I’m hoping to compete in the 7 mile road race, and complete a heritage double for 2013 of running in both the Wenlock Olympian Games and the Cotswold Olimpicks. I’ll be blogging on Wenlock properly soon. Meanwhile, it’s great to see that my friend Chris Cannon, the indefatigable archivist of the Wenlock Olympian Society, is giving a lecture on the history of the Wenlock Olympian Games in Qatar on 29 June. Chris is a great ambassador for the Games, and his work helps the modern Olympic movement to understand its pre-Coubertin roots.

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