Tag Archives: Played in Britain

Southampton and the Olympic Games

Motorboat racing on Southampton Water at the 1908 Olympic Games

The Southern Daily Echo picked up on Southampton’s Olympic history in this feature on The British Olympics. Thanks to journalist Keith Hamilton for a great piece. One of my aims in writing the book was to remind people all over the country that the Olympics are not just about London, so it was really gratifying to see this kind of local appreciation.

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Winchester launch for The British Olympics, 29 September 2011

Martin with his new book at P & G Wells

On Thursday evening, it was back to Winchester for the local launch of The British Olympics. The scene was P & G Wells Booksellers in College Street, one of Winchester’s best-known shops, where Managing Director Crispin Drummond and his staff made us welcome. After a drinks reception, Crispin introduced me, and I gave a short talk on the book and my journey in writing it. It was great to catch up with friends and former students at the signing.

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English Heritage launch for The British Olympics

Jackie Spreckley, Project Manager at Played in Britain, Martin, and Simon Inglis, Series Editor of Played in Britain, at the German Gymnasium

On 28 September, English Heritage launched my new book, The British Olympics, the latest title in their highly acclaimed Played in Britain series. The event was held in the spectacular surroundings of the German Gymnasium in St Pancras, site of the gymnastics competition at the 1866 National Olympian Games.

We were welcomed by Roger Madelin of developers Argent, and by John Hudson of English Heritage Publishing. Simon Inglis, series editor of Played in Britain, then chaired a panel discussion. I looked at Britian’s Olympic history, Christiane Swinbank of the German Historical Institute outlined the history of London’s German community, and gymnastics historian Frank Galligan looked at German gymnastics. The talk was followed by a reception and a book signing.

You can see more about the event at Played in Britain‘s site.

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